Page Turners #1: Ready Player One/Pac-Man High Score

I was planning another post talking about the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy and a Robert A. Heinlein classic as my first Page Turners post today but I got stuck doing something that I thought was a better use of my time. Pac-Man. Not even playing it, just watching it.

Recently I re-read Ready Player One, which I had read a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed. It’s very geeky and has really interesting plot points, as well as a lot (maybe too much) pop culture references (which has been covered extensively, I’ll leave this IMDb link about all the movie and TV shows references in the book, it has 117 titles by the way).

So, about this book. Some say it’s God-awful, maybe because of the long sections that might not be the best for people, one of them I’ll talk about today, and that is the part where the main character Wade/Parzival looks for clues to the puzzle in some museum thing and plays a perfect game of Pac-Man for five hours and reaches the perfect top high score of 3,333,360.

Well, after a quick YouTube search, I found this video:

YouTube Source: Jamey Pittman

Yeah. Five hours of Pac-Man. Now, it was mentioned in the book and clearly shown in the above gameplay, that there were these spots in Pac-Man, where you could “hide” from the ghosts. Basically, especially for high score runs like these, hiding can be a way for you to take toilet/food breaks.

Here’s a video demonstrating the glitch/loophole/bug/feature:

YouTube Source: Phreakwar

What do you think about this? Comment below!

Unfortunately, this won’t work on newer versions of the game, only the original arcade and some MAME implementations, so don’t bother trying it out on an emulator or something. Still, this is a really cool bug/feature in the game and I thought I would share it.

I might review/analyse Ready Player One more in the future, but that’ll be all for the Random Monday this week. Wathc out for the Tech Thursday post, it’s going to be an interesting one. Okay, have a good week and see you later!

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