GeekTyper Hacking Simulator, Bitburner Game, Hackable! Podcast

Hey there! Welcome to my blog! Today’s post is going to be all about hacking. Hacking has been portrayed many times in movies and TV shows but have you ever wanted to do it yourself? Maybe without breaking any laws? Well, there are hacking games of course. If you just want to learn weird interesting things about hacking, I’m going to talk about a podcast I really like about hacking.

It’s okay, I also have no idea what these mean.

Okay, let’s get right on to it. If you want to look like you’re hacking, look no further than GeekTyper. GeekTyper is a hacking simulator. It is perfect if you want to prank your friends that don’t really understand how hacking works in real life. It is straight out of a movie. You can pick from different styles such as NASA, Anonymous, Matrix, FSociety from Mr. Robot, SHIELD from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Minecraft and many more.

Here’s the link:

Just randomly click keys and the terminal will unfold for you, with random “hacking” text that will make your friends think you’re the world’s fastest typer. It is complete with missile, security breach, HAWK, Access Granted/Denied displays that will amaze your friends.

Or maybe not. Obviously it is humanly impossible to type that fast, and maybe your friends aren’t fooled. There is another option, which will also be the option if you want to play hacking games.


The game I am talking about is Bitburner, and it is a pretty good game. It’s not exactly perfect, but I’ll talk about the pros and cons later. For now, just understand that BitBurner is a hacking game set in the future inside a computer where you’re supposed to hack businesses to earn money. This can be done through scripts, hacknet nodes, and other options through the game. Just follow the tutorial and you should be able to understand it.

So, Pros and Cons? Pros, it really feels like a hacking game. If you know how to manage it, you could get to millions of dollars in about an hour of gameplay.

Cons, first, it isn’t very realistic, I mean of course it isn’t actual hacking, but that doesn’t really make it less fun. Second, it’s a bit like cookie clicker. When you already have a lot of money and scripts/nodes that produces lots of money, there isn’t really a lot of things to do. Technically there are augmentations which gives you a new perspective of the game but honestly in a few days I lost interest. It is though still a really interesting game and worth a try.

By the way, here’s the link to the game:

Hackable? Yes.

Okay! Next up, real, fun hacking! Hackable? is a podcast by McAfee, and trust me, it’s a lot of fun. The hosts have tons of humour and it’s quite funny. The latest episodes as of today are about hacking smart plugs, drones, even toasters!

At the same time, this podcast can also be very helpful/educational. At the end of every episode the hosts will talk about the hack and how to protect yourself from it. Really, try listening it for yourself on Apple’s new web podcast interface as well as!

So that’s all for today! Not too long, but it’s a pretty fun look at the world of hacking from an outside perspective. I don’t know, you could even learn something from these. That’s all for this week’s Tech Thursday! Cath you guys back tomorrow on Film Friday!

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